Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 2: Yet Another Great Day

We were saddened to see our Day 1 crew drive off, thinking we'd never get another great group of students like them.  Once again, we were proven WRONG.  Day 2 Bedford High Students proved equally enthusiastic, finishing up work done on Day 1 and pressing on with new and sometimes even more arduous tasks.  What joy!

Mentor Dave with new Demolition/Construction Team

Pure joy amid stench and heat

A scraping mission til beehive discoverd

Hard core throughout the day,
completing the dirtiest of jobs

Wants to come back during spring break to finish the job

And, he wants in with his construction buddy

Not thrilled when they found out they were mixing fish guts into soil;
however, you can see they adapted just fine

Day 2 Crew

1 comment:

  1. These young people look as if they can work almost as hard as you do!
