Monday, May 21, 2012

A Great and Prosperous Day

Booth Display

Funds Overseers and Change Makers

Happy Customers

Our Gang
The  Annual Milford Garden Club Plant Sale proved a huge success on so many levels. 
  1. First and most importantly was the most gracious hospitality of our hosts, the Milford Garden Club Ladies.  They waved the $25 entry fee and provided all our farmers with beautiful gardening gloves so each now have their own.  The smiles when they received these gifts were priceless
  2. The farmers worked the environment, totally new to them, like old hands.  Each migrated to their own comfort zone.  Some advocating certain seedlings, some helping the customers hold plants while they chose more, some providing oversight of the cash box.  These honed skills will definitely prove of benefit when our Farmers' market opens next month. 
  3. The exposure of our project to the local population will reap great benefits in the long run.  We handed out lots of our cards and advocated.  Many customers promised to come out and buy more seedlings, volunteer in the fields, donate garden tools, and buy produce when it becomes available
  4. We made over $200 at the sale.  Meanwhile, our plant stand in front of the property generated over $100 more... a banner day for sure
  5. We all had fun

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